

英语日记 篇1

During a long vacation,I usually like to go to see the exhibits in one of a great many museums.

Such as the art museum,the history museum,the museum of natural history,and the museum of science and technology.

Many wonderful things are cared for in museums.

There are paintings,potteries,sculptures,costumes,swords,ancient animal bones and plants,stuffed animals,antique steam locomotives,and many others.

It is always a good review of history to visit those museums.Museums are cool places,too.

They have good exhibits and fascinating displays.I like the works of art there.

Some museums teach me a lot about history and science.From dinosaurs to robots,I love them all.

英语日记 篇2

What are the purposes of places such as museums and how should they be funded?

A museum is a place where a collection of objects illustrating science,art,history,or other subjects is kept and displayed.Therefore,the purpose of museums is,to my mind,twofold: to collect and preserve the results of human achievement and evidence of the natural world and to use these collections to enhance human knowledge and understanding.

A museum needs to acquire new objects to add to its collection.Many are gifts from people who collect such items as paintings,precious stones,or sculpture.Other gifts include items that have been kept in a family for many generations.Sometimes a museum buys an item needed to fill a gap in one of its collections.Museum conservators clean,preserve,or restore objects before they are exhibited.

Many museums have an education department that gives lectures and classes on the museums collection.Most museums offer guided tours and other programs for children and adults.For example,science and technology museums have pioneered experimental methods of teaching and hands-on exhibits.Childrens museums also emphasize learning by touching and doing.Other activities provided by museums include art festivals,concerts,and hobby workshops.

The funding of the museum operations,as far as I know,can be multi-channel.These sources may include foundations and corporations,national and local governments,and individuals as well.A museum may also earn money to fund itself by charging admission fees,or selling gifts relating to their exhibits,or by selling less desirable items from their collections.

英语日记 篇3

Museums have changed.They are no longer places for the privileged few or for bored vacationers to visit on rainy days.Action and democracy are words used in descriptions of museums now.

At a science museum in Ontario, Canada, you can feel your hair stand on end as harmless electricity passes through your body.At the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, you can look at 17th century instruments while listening to their music.At the Modern Museum in Sweden, you can put on costumes provided by the Stockholm Opera.As these examples show, museums are reaching out to new audiences, particularly the young, the poor, and the less educated members of the population.As a result, attendance is increasing.

More and more, museums directors are realizing that people learn best when they can somehow become part of what they are seeing.In many science museums, for example, there are no guided tours.The visitor is encouraged to touch, listen, operate, and experiment so as to discover scientific principles for himself.He can have the experience of operating a spaceship or a computer.He can experiment with glass blowing and paper making.The purpose is not only to provide fun but also to help people feel at home in the world of science.The theory is that people who do not understand science will probably fear it, and those who fear science will not use it to best advantage.Many museums now provide educational services and children s departments.In addition to the usual displays, they also offer film showings and dance programs.Instead of being places that one should visit, they are places to enjoy.

英语日记 篇4

visiting the museum should be one of the best choices for the tourists who have never been in the place before with a limited amount of time.the amazing experience would definitely make your precious time most valuable.

on the top of that,nothing could be as fascinating as the exhibition of the museum,which combines the visual entertainment,the educational experience and cultural sense altogether so well.the items on display are often organized by professional elaborately,designed not to confuse the spectators but to provide them with well-arranged knowledge.one who only read about the lives conditions of the creatures in mesozoic can never imagine the breath-taking sight which could only be seen when he walks through the gallery of the fossils of dinosaur.similarly,a thematic attire exhibit could impart the visitor about the convention of religion,custom and even ideology of a specified period,which are merely abstract impressions in reading material.

meanwhile,the architecture designs,which are more often than not among the most idiosyncratic in the city,are worth the visit.for example,the famous louvre,originated in 13th century,taking up the renaissance style and undergoing the turbulence of french great revolution,accommodating with the ideas of the first grade contemporary architects,assume an not only unique but also gorgeous fashion that can be seen nowhere else,with the labyrinth-like structure and the wonderful masterpieces,overwhelming the visitors.the palace museum itself is the most well-preserved and grandest ancient china architectural complex.the symmetrical distribution of the buildings sufficiently reflects the philosophy of the chinese architecture and the strict hierarchy ideas of ancient china.

finally,some of the collections of a famous museum are second to no other celebrated resort locale.they are another kind of wonder on the earth,which demonstrate the superlative ingenuity and exorbitant crafts of human being.few can hold there extolment to himself while they are visiting the vatican museum and dwarfed by the masterpieces of the renaissance genius,namely,rafael and michelangelo,who had both devoted ten years of their golden era to the museum and sprinkled their talent in the countless paintings and statuary which have now been a part of the museum itself.admiring such a artistic work only is a great mind-tugging that can be experienced right there,right then.

英语日记 篇5

With the development of our society,it’s much harder to satisfy the cultural needs of residents.In this social context,China has made all kinds of politics to enrich people’s cultural life.One of these is the free admission to museums,which is thought highly of by us and becomes popular quickly.However,as many people are expressing their support for this idea,there are some people worrying about the disadvantages it brings.

As is known to us,museums are places for people to grow in knowledge and broaden their horizon,as well as an important platform to display human civilization,spread the traditional culture and enhance the patriotic consciousness.Thus,we cannot emphasize the importance of visiting museums too much.From another point of view,not only has high ticket price resulted in the waste of public cultural resources,but also done harm to the promotion of culture and the spread of knowledge.Free admission to museums solves these problems perfectly.

However,there is no denying that this politic brings some disadvantages when we get benefits from it.How to balance the relationship between the management and improve the service is always testing the wisdom and courage of the decision makers.For example,after some museums announced this news,the number of daily visitors came to tens of thousands,with a phenomenon of blowout.This has not only affected the mood of tourists,but also is a threat to the protection of cultural relics.

In my opinion,free admission to museums is an important decision for the country to share the cultural heritage in the new situation.But at the same time,we need to reflect on that does the thought of “one size fits all ” make the idea more like a false scenery? Fortunately,the relevant departments have started to establish a quality assessment system,to further improve the supporting measures.I hope that they can find problems in time and improve the management level and service capabilities,so that the free admission to museums is really conducive to the public.

英语日记 篇6

Museums are great repositories of mankind’s historical artifacts and achievements in art.From them we can learn a great deal about the people of the past and their link to the people of the present.We can also learn about cultures other than our own.I believe this last advantage is the main reason many people visit museums when they travel.

When someone chooses to visit a new place,he often does so because he is interested in seeing a different environment and a different way of life.To gain a better understanding of this new culture,many travelers will go to a history or cultural museum.Even those who never visit museums at home may be inspired by the new sights around them and want to find out more.Other people choose to visit museums abroad in groups to see things that they cannot see at home.They may have read of famous works of art and look forward to the chance to see them with their own eyes.Still others may have a specific interest,such as butterflies or eighteenth century furniture.It is not possible for every community to support a museum devoted to every field of study,but travelers can take advantage of the opportunity to pursue their interests.

No matter why one travels,the journey often offers the opportunity to visit a new museum.It is an activity that will provide the traveler with a better understanding of the world,no matter what his specific interest is.That is why I think most people choose to visit museums when they travel to a new place.

英语日记 篇7

Shanghai Museum is located in the center of the People's Square.It covers an area 0~ 4,000 square meters.There are so many ancient books,paintings,bronze wares in it.It's just like a huge book to tell you the history of China.People from all over the country like to go there to see huge quantity of antiquities with their own eyes.If you have a chance to go there,you'll have a good time.

英语日记 篇8

Dear friends,Good morning,today I am honored to introduce the knowledge of museum to give you.

With the growing prosperity of our international,people's living standards improve,we should not be limited to the pursuit of material and,more importantly,we should raise the level of our thoughts,our life as a spiritual pursuit of the goal.

So,how to improve our realm of thought it? I suggest that you enter the museum,this is the epitome of all cultures and civilizations.

Now,I will take Natural History Museum as an example to introduction you what is the charm of the museum.

In the eyes of the general audience,Museum of Natural History on display in the form of specimens,cabinets,glass will be separated from the audience and the exhibit.

As people's material and cultural living standards,the audience are no longer satisfied with this display.Today's Natural History Museum allows people to participate in,so that we truly feel the authenticity of museum items.

Many people visited the Museum of Natural History as a way of entertainment and leisure.

In a addition it is a place which fosters the next generation interested in learning.In the UK,France and Germany’s the Museum of Natural History,there are many audiences can participate in hands-on exhibits.

Some exhibits have only the problems,the audience can get the answer only by hands.My friends,a museum is a national microcosm of the history and culture,and also a microcosm of nature.

Let us go into the museum to enjoy the charm of museum

英语日记 篇9

With society developing fast,more and more museums become free of visiting .

Some people think that to spread education we need to make museums visiting free,it will benefit both us citizens and our country.

While other people have different perspectives ,they tend to think a large number of visitors do great harm to arts in museums ,making them be damaged faster .

I suppose those who are seemingly protecting arts are making a excuse for who knows what.

Because there are ways we could work the problem out ,like stop crowds getting too close to the arts.

It is well known that a museum is a building to display a collection of artistic,historical,cultural or military objects.

Undoubtedly museums can have a variety of purposes in the city; I think two roles the museums play can illustrate they are worth visiting.

英语日记 篇10

Nowadays,more tourist sites are free to the tourists Going to the museum can broden horizon and enrich people’s minds But at the same time,the large amount of people means challenge What’more,some precious relics will be stolen,as everyone can’t be supervised all the time It needs everyone to behave themselves,so as to better preserve the precious data,and let more people have the chance to visit.


英语日记 篇11

May lst Friday


It was a fine day today.Lily and I went to visit the Fujian Museum.It is about 2 kilometers away from home.So we decided to go there by bike.We set off at 8:00.At the museum we saw many photos and other things.We learned a lot.There we saw a lot of children with their par-ents,students with their teachers,as well as lots of soldiers.At 10:00 we left the museum for home.We had a wonderful time today.


5月1日 星期五 晴

今天天气很好。我和莉莉去参观了福建博物馆。博物馆离家有两公里,所以我们决定骑自行车去那儿。 我们八点钟出发。在博物馆我们看到了很多照片和其他物品,学到了很多东西。 在那儿我们看到很多家长带着他们的孩子 .老师带着学生,还有很多的士兵。十点钟,我们离开博物馆回家。我们今天过得真愉快。

英语日记 篇12

We are going to the science museum tomorrow.There is an old thing show in the Museum.Do you know how we can get to the science museum?


The science museum is next to the People’s Park.It isn’t far from our school.So we can go there on foot .Walk straight to the west from our school,next turn left at the post office and walk for about 5 minutes,then turn right at traffic lights.You can find the People’s Park on the right .Walk straight,and you’ll see the science museum.

