

吃肉的朋友圈文案 篇1














14、总归有人看不惯我,我能怎样,百般讨好,还是杀人灭口。Somebody can't stand me.What can I do, please or kill?





19、There are so many places in your life where you need to spend money to defend your dignity.Before you can earn enough money to reassure yourself, please make more efforts and less affectation.


21、时间总是霸道的推着人往前走,不给退路,我们总是执着的喜欢从前的人,不肯认输。Time always pushes people forward and does not give way.We are always persistent in liking the former and refuse to admit defeat.

22、今天英语课,老师问我们怎么去南京,有人说:by car,有人说:on foot。我就想到了骑马去,问我智慧的同桌:骑马用英语咋么说?她淡定地告诉我:嘚儿驾……嘚儿驾是什么鬼?


24、Nobody but yourself knows how much happiness or sadness you have in your story, because it's only your feeling after all.

吃肉的朋友圈文案 篇2

1、There is no such thing as a joke.All jokes have real ingredients.How many jokes are said in the truth, but people who do not want to understand, how will not understand.




5、Your smoking posture is becoming more and more skilled, the people you love are more and more casual, from the first three cups to the present drunk, this is not growth but depravity, but unfortunately no one can block your hands of wine, no one pinch your hands of cigarettes, You have nothing but loneliness and booze.

6、你不是孙悟空,也不是至尊宝,你只是城墙下那群人中的一个。观望着别人的爱情,咀嚼着自己的青春,活得像条狗。You are not the Monkey King, nor are you the ultimate treasure.You are just one of those people under the wall.Looking at other people's love, chewing their own youth, living like a dog.

7、If you ask God for help, you believe in God's power.If God doesn't help you, it means God believes in your ability.


9、英语老师把小马过河说成小马够河 ,我们忍住没笑 ,她就重说了一遍 ,结果说成小马过猴。

10、Giving up is not a whim.All kinds of disappointments accumulate and eventually erupt in silence.No voice, no noise, so quietly give up.


12、No one cares about how much effort you put in, how tired you are, how painful you fall.They just look at where you stand at the end and envy you.In order to be beautiful in the future, we must be bitter now!


14、Many things like the weather, slowly hot or gradually cold, until the surprise, has passed a season.

15、道理是要跟懂道理的人讲,对于没皮没脸的人,就要以其人之道还治其人之身。Reason is to tell people who understand the truth.For those who have no skin and no face, they should treat them in the same way as others.

16、Once a person has feelings, they are useless.You said you wanted to drink to the past, and then love did not turn back.In fact, even if you are drunk to the evening alone, if the person extends his hand, you will still go with him.

17、承诺,就像放屁,当时惊天动地,过后苍白无力。Commitment, like farting, was earth-shaking at that time, and then pale and powerless.

18、You can afford what you like and go where you want to go.You won't lose the quality of life because of the people around you.Instead, you will have more confidence because you spend your money.That's why you should work harder.

19、别因为太过在意别人的看法,而使自己活得畏手畏脚,无论你做得多好,都会有人对你指手画脚。Don't let yourself live in fear of others'opinions because you care too much about them.No matter how well you do, someone will tell you what to do.

20、Don't be too good, you can refuse what you don't want to do, don't force what you can't do, pretend you don't hear what you don't like.Life is not meant to please others, but to be kind to oneself.


22、道不同不相为谋,你讨厌我,我也未必喜欢你,各走各的人岂不是更潇洒,何必咄咄逼人费了口舌也讨人嫌,你闲得慌但是我没空陪你。If you hate me, I may not like you.People who go their separate ways are not smarter.Why are you so aggressive and difficult to talk about? You are in a hurry but I am not free to accompany you.


24、英语:异乡文字拼起来的诺言,旁人不懂的眷恋,我读过的单词连篇成千,在你面前只有一句,for the rest of my life please advice。



27、Time will let you see every face, long companion will let you know every heart, drowning in the sea is not only the end of life, time does not abandon youth, rotten people do not deserve deep feelings.

28、你没权利看不惯我的生活方式,但你有权抠瞎自己的双眼。You have no right to lose sight of my way of life, but you have the right to blind your eyes.


吃肉的朋友圈文案 篇3

1、It doesn't matter where you come from, but where you go.The most important thing in life is not where you stand, but where you go.As long as people do not lose their direction, they will never lose themselves.


3、人人都是自顾不暇的泥菩萨,别指望谁能帮你度过现实这条河。Everyone is a self-conscious clay bodhisattva.Don't expect anyone to help you cross the river.

4、你一生走南闯北,充其量,顶多也就遇见三个人。一个要你活,一个要你死,一个根本不在意你死活。When you go south and North all your life, you will meet at most three people.One wants you to live, one wants you to die, and the other doesn't care about you at all.

5、他是我所有的心事,但是被我偷偷藏着故意不去想起,或许想来也没有什么意义,因为得不到,便是失去。He is all my heart, but I secretly do not want to think of, perhaps want to do not have no meaning, because not to get, is lost.


7、当你又瘦又漂亮,脑子里有东西,钱包里全是自己挣的钱,别说这个月,全世界都会对你好一点。When you are thin and beautiful, you have something in your head and your wallet is full of your own earnings, let alone this month, the whole world will treat you better.


9、A person's life is a process of recognizing and recognizing people.Some people start from meeting and end from getting along with each other; some people have been in the eye, but now they are out of the heart.


11、Time is the most deceptive, but also let you understand that there is nothing in the world that can not be lost, leaving is the scenery, leaving behind is life, to the end, is the right person.

12、喜欢一个人,始于颜值,陷于才华,忠于人品,痴于肉体,迷于声音,醉于深情,最后,折于物质,败于现实。Like a person, from the face value, trapped in talent, loyalty to character, obsessed with the body, obsessed with sound, drunk in affection, finally, folded in material, defeated in reality.


14、再好的链子也拴不住爱跑的狗。No good chain can tie a running dog.

15、Every powerful person, biting his teeth, spends a period of time without help, support, and warmth.Past, this is your adult ritual, can not pass, beg for mercy, this is your bottomless hole.

16、Behind all success is the perseverance of painstaking accumulation; behind all the scenery before everyone is silly not to give up.As long as you want and stick to it, one day you will be alive and look like you like.



19、If things go against our wishes, we believe that God must have other plans; all the lost will come back in another way.Believe in yourself, believe that time will not hurt you.

20、Every time the negative emotions explode, it will feel in the eyes of others that they are making a big deal out of it.Yes, their feelings are only clear to them.No one will know where you have been banished.No one knows how many times the light in your heart has been lit and extinguished.
