

我最难忘的事英语日记 篇1

How time flies!I‘m fifteen years the long time,there was one thing that I will never forget.

The Spring Festival is our traditional the Spring Festival,people usually visit their friends and I was 9 years old,my family took the bus to my grandparents‘to say Happy New Year to them.

In the bus,I had a good 7:30,the bus came to a woman got on with a baby in her that time,there was no she must look after her baby had to stand next to wanted to stand up and let her sit down,but I was afraid of hearing the other people sayThat girl want to be praised.I looked people were looking out of the windows and some were,a little boy behind me,stood up and made room for the said Thank you very much with a big boy smiled,I told my cousin about it after that,he said The child is the father of a man.I very could't I do the same thing as the little boy did?

From that I learn that we should do our best to help people who need everyone makes a contribution to helping others,the world will bee much more beautiful!

我最难忘的事英语日记 篇2

In my growth,experienced a lot of things,they are like a boat,echoed in my mind,from time to time roundabout.They are like the shells on the beach,some "brilliant" and some are "ugly"。 But the most forgotten or childhood of a past.

It was when I read the second grade,the weather was sunny,sunny.I am accompanied by a good mood to go to school,when I go to school waiting mood does not seem as good as that,because I found that I forgot to take this with the operation.My mood suddenly like fifteen bucket of water - seven on eight,the action is also hurriedly chaos,I do not know what to do? If you go home now to find the job,then back and forth time is not enough,if the re- Time is not enough When I was so embarrassed,my desk said,"What's the matter?" I told him the truth of the matter.He gave me a new job and said to me,"With me!" I took the job and told him,"Thank you,I will give you." Heart is extremely grateful to him,he really is my savior ah.When I was writing,I was worried about the teacher.The classmate told me not to be afraid,and then looked at the teacher for me.The classmate is like a soldier for me.I paid the job in time.The heart of the stone finally came down.Soon the teacher came.

From this one thing,I feel the power of friendship,this power is extremely powerful; this makes me overcome many difficulties,can Qi Qi Jin.It made me memorable for a long time.

我最难忘的事英语日记 篇3

Today,on my way home from school,I saw a man looking for something in a dustbin.I thought it was strange.

I approached to see that it was an old grandmother with grey hair,wrinkled faces,tattered clothes,and a pair of dark black hands looking in the dustbin.Suddenly there was a smile on her face.It turned out that she found several empty bottles.I think: a few empty bottles are worth only a few cents.When she is so old,she should have lived comfortably at home,but she collects garbage in such a dirty place.Her family must be poor and she is poor!

I was sorry to see that.I gave my grandmother the money she gave me for breakfast.The old woman said to me,"you are really a dutiful child.Thank you."!" I hasten to say,"no thanks."!" I returned home with my schoolbag on.

On my way home,I was in a good mood,because I made a meaningful and memorable thing today.

我最难忘的事英语日记 篇4

Our life occur a lot of things nearly every day.Some we may forget and some we may remember.

There is one thing I won't forget forever.It is the birth of my little sister.

Before she comes to the world,I have imagined thousand times what she looks.In fact,although I have guessed so many times,I still couldn't hit the point.I never know that a newborn child will be so tiny and wrinkle.But she just likes an angel.

Seeing her,I feel my heart get warm right away.I couldn't forget the moment I saw her.

我最难忘的事英语日记 篇5

It was a sunny day,and I sat under a tree with a story book in my hand.When I open the book,a childish voice entered my ears,“Sister Hui,Play games with me,OK?” It was the daughter of my neighbors,she was only four years.“I am sorry,Xiao Mei.I have to read the book.Go there and play with yourself,OK?”

Maybe half an hour later,Xiao Mei's grandma came and asked in impatiently,“Have you seen Xiao Mei?” I raised my head,“Just there!” But I saw nobody there.“Where is she?” Her grandma was in great suspense.“I don't know,just now I saw her there.Let's look around.” We looked here and there,but we couldn't find Xiao Mei.“Will she be in danger?” The grandma looked very grief.“River! Maybe she is there.” I cried.When we came to the river,the water was peaceful.“Maybe she has fell into the river.” The grandma screamed.She called some young people,and they jumped into the river.At that time,I felt very fear,and I was afraid that Xiao Mei was in the river.

Ten minutes later,a man cried,“I caught something!” Then we saw a girl surface,and she was Xiao Mei.“Xiao Mei! Xiao Mei!” Her Grandma stretched out her arms to her.She put her on the floor,placed her hands just above her stomach,pressed in and in.Water flew out from Xiao Mei's mouth.Some time later,the doctor came; after examined carefully,he shook his head,“I am sorry.It was too late.” Her grandma burst out crying,“How could I tell your mother and father? Why did you go to the river? I have told you many times not to play with water.Why?” However,Xiao Mei couldn't hear the painful call.She slept forever.

Now,many people have forgotten this event,but I can't.Maybe I feel regretful.If in that day I played with Xiao Mei,the tragedy wouldn't happen.So lovely a girl,she should grow up happily,but because of my negligence,she lost her life.

我最难忘的事英语日记 篇6

After school in the afternoon,I went to my mother's office to do my homework.I didn't see my mother.She was probably busy in the classroom.After drinking some water,I consciously lay on the table and wrote new words.When mom finished her work,she would grade my homework.

Suddenly,my mother called my name: "how can" study hard "be written as" study by a good mother "? It's too careless!" I took a look at it,and if so,I quickly revised it.However,my mother found out my mistake again: GUI was written as gun.I'm scared.I'm afraid my mother will lose her temper.My tears will flow down.My mother advises me to be serious.I'm very ashamed of myself!

Mom,don't worry,I will study hard,do the exercises carefully,and get good grades at the end of the term!

我最难忘的事英语日记 篇7

Hello,everyone.I am Alice,a student who live in Xiamen.Many great memories was happened among my study life.When it comes to my memories,I can not help telling one of umforgetable experience for you.

Recently,I climbed a mountain with my family.The solar as though was burnt.For a while,we felt sorrow.However,we must come over it.Due to our insitence and hard,my family and I climbed the top of mountain.We admired the best senery on it.

As a saying goes “No pains,no gains.”The experience makes a difference and inspired for me.No matter you do anything,you should try your best to finish it.In addition,it makes me a good temper.

我最难忘的事英语日记 篇8

On Monday,the teacher gave out the examination papers,looking at the papers written on red 89.To my disappointment,all of a sudden like to vent the gas ball like,hung his head,not a bit.

After school,the students happy like a happy bird,fly out of the classroom,and I am like a snail,slowly walk.Back home,my mother asked my grades,I - I - I hesitated to say a word,throat like a card on a fish bone like,choked.My mother was very worried and said in a loud voice; "what do you get?" I am afraid,heart is like playing the drums like "Dong Dong" jump.I whispered: "I got 89." My heart is like a rabbit,"beating" jump straight,so nervous! I can not imagine how my mother said softly: "it does not matter,as long as you work hard,must do well in the exam." I was extremely delighted.Hear this word,my heart is like the summer breeze blowing up a comfortable.

Ah,this thing really memorable ah!

我最难忘的事英语日记 篇9

In my mind,often one or two things in the hearts of lingering,so I can not suppress......

That's my fourth grade.A dawn,I and my cousin riding a bike came to the beach to enjoy the breath of the sea that very fresh air.I happened to find a crab crawling on the beach and sharing the sun with us.I let the cousin and I walk over to see.

We stared at the crabs,and they did not seem to find us,they shook its sharp "knives" and walked around.The cousin told me that the crabs were "doing morning exercise".I am amazed,and they will "do morning exercise".My heart had a thought,I carefully squat,hand a catch.The result was escaped by the hateful guy.I thought: good I copied you! Cousin can not stand still,but also came to help.In our concerted efforts,the guys have been caught by us.

It has been two years after this matter,but it has been branded in my heart.

我最难忘的事英语日记 篇10

I have a very unforgettable thing.Last night,I helped my parents to solve a problem.They promised to reward me with a beautiful small treasure box.They counted their words and gave me a very delicate seven princess purple double-layer treasure box today.

I'm so happy.I put it beside my little pink double bed.Every day I wake up,go to bed and go to school,I'll say good morning and good night to it and say goodbye to it.Treat it as your own sister!
