

绿山墙的安妮高一英文读后感 篇1

remember when I was in the second grade, a big friend gave me a gift - "Anne of Green Gables", I opened the book, immediately opened my eyes.

Anne is an orphan. Her name is Anne Shirley. Anne used to look ugly: freckled face, red hair, bamboo body, but by mistake, the kind Marilla and Matthew brother and sister adopted into the Green Gables farmhouse, living in the east Gables house. The girl is full of fantasies and befriends twelve-year-old Diana Barry. At first, Anne was sloppy and always did the wrong things, such as applying cake cream, getting Diana drunk, losing Marillas amethyst brooch, and dyeing her own hair green! But she made a lot of progress under the kind and strict education of Marilla and Matthew. At school, she is teased by a male classmate, Gilbert Blythe; In the village, she is misunderstood by Dianas mother, Mrs. Barry, but she is changing regardless of everything, and in the end, Anne grows up to stand tall, excellent grades, and becomes a good student praised by everyone.

Anne, who is only 17 years old, is really a "heroine", her parents have long since passed away, but she is always sunny in her heart. Annie is a visionary who brings together the best in others and becomes the winner of an Avery Scholarship. Because she worked hard, looked good, and was praised by everyone, but Anne was never proud.

Anne is a very good girl, she likes fantasy, the courage to express, not afraid of danger, although facing adversity, but insist on moving forward, praised by others but modest and cautious, I like her! I want to say to her, "Annie, youre great! I wish you the courage to move forward in the future and keep up your efforts!

绿山墙的安妮高一英文读后感 篇2

"Anne of Green Gables" is a sweet novel describing the life of children, this book mainly tells: Matthew and Marilla brother and sister in Green Gables led a plain life. In order to find a helper for Matthew who has a heart disease, they intend to adopt a boy from the orphanage, but the orphanage sent a red head. The chattering 11-year-old Annie. Little Anne was naive and enthusiastic, full of romantic fantasies. In her imagination, naughty streams laughed under the ice; If the rose could talk, it would tell us many interesting stories...

After reading this book, I can not help but feel ashamed: my learning conditions are far better than Anne, but I always want to play in my heart, so the results are very general, although Annes learning conditions are not good, but she knows how to create unlimited value with limited conditions, compared with Anne, I also show how ignorant ah!

This book also let me understand that a kind person, will always be happy, he has all the wealth. And a simple person, he will always be happy, he will have many people have no practical. And a cruel person, he will always be afraid, it has a black heart. A malevolent person, he will always be afraid, live in fear, afraid of being caught by himself. After reading this book, I learned to be brave, honest, clever, kind... More importantly, I understand: good people live in peace.

Let us like Anne, optimistic, with a progressive attitude to smile to meet every challenge in life, over one obstacle, break through one difficulty after another, towards our perfect dream!

绿山墙的安妮高一英文读后感 篇3

In the winter vacation, I read unimpeded by the Canadian writer Lucy. Anne of Green Gables by Maud Montgomery.

The book tells the story of Matthew and Marilla, an elderly brother and sister who live in the Green Gables farmhouse in Affree Town. In order to find a helper for Matthew, who suffers from heart disease, they intend to adopt a boy in Mrs. Spencers orphanage, only to find a girl full of red hair and chatty. Thats right! The girl is Annie.

At first, the brother and sister do not like Anne, but Annes words make Matthew soft, considering Annes feelings, let her stay.

Within a few days Anne went to Sunday school. Anne was teased a lot because of her red hair. I took a few days off from school. Looks like Annie really cares about her precious red hair.

Anne was bubbly and dreamy by nature. An example of her. I found the little girl very interesting in her cute and innocent actions: to treat the teacher, she put painkillers into the cake instead of vanilla extract without looking; Quarrelling with Gilbert, the boy in class...

Although Anne is an orphan, she has a positive and optimistic heart, as if any difficulty can be solved; She was adopted, but she played like any other child, climbing trees, going on outings, playing house.

After reading the book, Annes image was etched into my mind. In the life of Green Gables Farmhouse, she is full of love for nature every flower, every tree and every tree, and has a pure and kind heart for Matthew, Marilla, classmates and teachers. Her grateful heart, optimistic and positive attitude, firm belief, persistent pursuit of ideals, these are what we all need to have.

绿山墙的安妮高一英文读后感 篇4

Anne of Green Gables is a spiritual book for parents, teachers and children alike. I borrowed this book especially to read this summer vacation.

After reading the book, I was deeply moved by Annie, the protagonist in the book. The book focuses on Anne, a girl with red hair and freckles, who loses her parents when she is young and is mistakenly sent to Green Gables Cuthbert and his siblings by an orphanage to start her new life. She is a girl who loves magic, can turn the cherry blossom into the "snow Queen", call the ordinary lake into the "shining lake", and make a thing to break the glass as if it were lost when the fairies participated in the dance one night. Annies lively and optimistic character, full of elephant power, infected the Cuthberts, classmates, villagers, and also infected me. Annies diligence and unremitting efforts to study are worthy of our learning.

To my negative and pessimistic side, I feel ashamed. When I was doing the topic, I encountered some problems, and I was reluctant to use my brain more, and chose to give up. Heart: "Anyway, you can ask teachers, classmates and parents." This attitude of giving up at every turn makes me farther and farther away from success. But Anne, in order to improve her grades, even the most unwilling to learn geometry also to learn it hard, and finally achieved good results, admitted to the Queens College. I should learn from Anne, dont give up when I meet difficulties, and try to solve them. Only in this way can I make continuous progress.

In a word, through reading Anne of Green Gables, I learned a lot: we should face everything positively and optimistically, and dont be defeated by difficulties!

绿山墙的安妮高一英文读后感 篇5

"Whoo..." The whistle blew and the train sped past on the tracks, leaving behind a girl of about ten. Red hair, pointed chin, big eyes, big mouth, pale thin, freckled face, full of vigor and vitality, she is the protagonist of the text - Anne.

Sitting in Matthews car, Anne let her imagination fly freely: tall apple trees planted on both sides of the road, full of white and fragrant flowers, this is the "white road of joy"; The meandering pond has a flickering, indescribable color change, which is the "shining little lake". "Lovers path," "leisurely wilderness," "willow pool," these romantic words are only such as Anne innocent and lovely girl can think of it!

Her loveliness, her optimism, her flawless imagination, let me deeply fascinated. Each time her excitement, joy, and childishness brought me closer to her. Her strange and magnificent fantasy and imagination, her magical spiritual realm that she sticks to in the difficult situation, her positive attitude that loves life and is optimistic, can not help people to love her and urgently want to know her, she is Anne. Shirley!

"I can hear the loud laughter of the stream all the way here. Have you ever noticed how happy the stream is? They are always laughing. Even in the dead of winter, I can hear them laughing beneath the ice."

Tears accompanied by laughter, Anne slowly grew up, red hair gradually turned brown, naive girl has become a young girl, I through the lines, staring at this charming girl, the hardships of life did not bring her down, but made her harvest happiness and happiness.

Closing the book, I seemed to see Anne dancing alone in the lovers path, raising her proud neck, her eyes shining with the hope of life, oh! Anne Shirley!

绿山墙的安妮高一英文读后感 篇6

What kind of girl is Sunshine? Ive been thinking about this a lot. Because my dream is to be a happy sunshine girl. In this summer vacation, by reading "Anne of Green Gables" this extracurricular book, I followed "Anne" experienced many bitter and sweet stories, and understood that she is the sunshine girl I am looking for.

There are many wonderful stories in this book, which fascinates me deeply. The protagonist "Annie" comes from the orphanage and comes to the home of the good Mary and his wife. She was heartbroken when she learned that they were going to adopt a boy, not a girl, and were going to send her back to the orphanage the next morning. But when she saw the beautiful scenery around the house, she felt like it was heaven, even if it was only for one night, it would be happy. Thinking of this, she became happy at once. Reading this, I think if I were Anne, it would be particularly painful. Her attitude of actively looking for happiness and sunshine surprised me! Seems to light a light in my life, I want to learn her optimistic spirit, encounter unhappy, but also to create happiness, so that they and the people around are happy.

Annie never went to school in the orphanage. Her adoptive parents sent her to school, and she relished the opportunity. He worked very hard and went from last place to first place. I admire Anne, because I dont study so hard, I will look up to her in the future. Although she is not beautiful, but knowledgeable, the students all think she is very beautiful, like her very much! I realized the sentence in "Disciple Rules" : people are heavy, and the appearance is high. It turns out that knowledge not only makes people smart, but also makes people beautiful.

I read this book three times in a row, in addition to the story, I especially appreciate the good words in the book. The protagonist Annie taught me how to be a beautiful sunny girl; The author also taught me many ways to write.

I like this extracurricular book.

绿山墙的安妮高一英文读后感 篇7

Recently, I read Anne of Green Gables. It was written by Montgomery from Canada. Annie, the protagonist of the story, is from an orphanage. It was Matthew and Marilla who wanted to adopt a boy. However, Nancy carelessly spread the wrong word that she wanted to adopt a girl, and it turned out to be a girl. But Annes poor eyes changed Marillas mind, and she came to the beautiful, lively green gables farmhouse by accident. Change "Barrys Pond" to "Sparkling Lake," "Spruce Grove" to "Haunted Forest," "Boulevard" to "The White Road of Delight," "Cherry Tree" to "The Snow Queen," "White Sand Town" to "Avenley," "Old Crane Grass" to "Bonnie," and "From the Orchard of Green Gables to the end of Matthews farm" to "Lovers Path. ", "Weeping willow Pool" and "Birch Path".

Anne in Green Gables is also constantly in trouble, but, for every mistake she makes, she corrects a flaw. Some called Mrs Lynde coarse and unfeeling; Hit Gilbert over the head with a SLATE, all for saying Annie had red hair or wasnt pretty. Mistaking wine for raspberry wine to get Diana drunk; Forget to put flour in the cake; Store jam forgot to cover, mice drowned in it, almost used to entertain guests; Off the roof of Barrys kitchen; Dye your hair green...

In the article, I like Anne Shirley most, because she is careless, good at correcting mistakes, positive, outspoken, angry, imaginative, love fantasy, talk a lot, love love righteousness, kindness, forthright and other characteristics. Though she had red hair and freckles, she was beautiful in heart and became more beautiful later on.

绿山墙的安妮高一英文读后感 篇8

When life becomes gray, fantasy rainbow, you will see profusion; When life everywhere dark, fantasy sunshine, will see the light; When life is full of sorrow, dream of joy, and smile again... No matter how difficult, as long as the optimistic dream of a better tomorrow, one day you will find that life is also optimistic. "Anne of Green Gables" in the little protagonist - Anne Charley is such a love of fantasy little girl.

Anne of Green Gables is one of the sweetest novels to describe the life of children, and it is also a spiritual read that parents, teachers and children alike can learn from. Canadian female writer Lucy Maud Montmarie with fresh and smooth, vivid and humorous strokes, tells the story of pure and kind, love of life of the mistress Nee Shelly, lost her parents at a young age, was adopted by Green Gables Marilla and Matthew brother and sister after the life. She has a bright personality, fantasy, and self-respect, with their hard work, not only to get the adopters love, but also to win the teachers and classmates care and friendship. Since its publication, the book has been translated into more than 100 languages, and more than 50 million copies have been continuously distributed. It is a literary classic recognized by the world.

In the book, Anne often forgets what she is supposed to do while doing the work Marilla gives her, because she is lost in her own fantasies. She was always dreaming about the future, about a better life. Annes optimism, pursuit of happiness, and desire for good character have created happiness in her later life. Until she went to college, her innocence and fantasy are still with her. Perhaps, until Anne is old, this innocence and fantasy will not change.

As long as you look at the world with an optimistic heart, you will find; The sky is so blue, the sun is so bright, life is so beautiful!

绿山墙的安妮高一英文读后感 篇9

Annie is a little girl with red hair, who likes to talk and laugh. It is said that little girls who love to talk and laugh are always not too bad luck. Annes life changed because she loved to talk and laugh.

Annie is an orphan, no father, no mother, grew up in an orphanage. But life in the orphanage did not frustrate her, did not make her lose faith in life. When she first came to Green Gables, she was attracted by the beauty of the road, and chattered along the way, in order to express her inner joy, she named the Avenue "the white Road of joy" and the Barry Pond "shining Lake". What a beautiful name! It must be Annies desire for a better life. Matthew and Marilla had originally wanted to adopt a boy, as a way of adding joy to the lonely farm family and as a way of relieving the burden. The orphanage sent Anne by mistake. Although she lost her parents from a young age, she was lively and cheerful, kind and frank. Matthew and Marilla were attracted by Annes character of talking and laughing, and they fell in love with her and finally decided to keep her.

Thats right. Girls who laugh are lucky. Annie had more than a little luck. She tried to help Matthew and Marilla; She cherishes her friendship with Diane and always thinks from the perspective of a friend. She studied hard and was admitted to Queens University through her unremitting efforts. She could have had a good development, but in order to take care of Marilla, she gave up her studies and returned to the local town to teach. She is really a grateful little girl.

A girl who loves to laugh will never have bad luck. She relies on her own efforts to realize her dreams one by one. I want to learn from Anne, learn from her lively and cheerful character, learn from her positive and optimistic spirit, face difficulties bravely, defeat difficulties, and finally realize my dreams.

绿山墙的安妮高一英文读后感 篇10

Anne of Green Gables is a novel written by Canadian writer Lucy Maude Montgomery.

The book tells the story of the pure and kind, loving life of the heroine little Anne, she lost her parents when she was young, and was adopted by Matthew and Marilla brother and sister of Green Gables at the age of eleven, but she has a distinct personality, fantasy, and self-esteem, with their hard work to get others love and recognition.

On one occasion, Dianas three-year-old sister Minnie May contracted conjunctival pneumonia, and Dianas parents were not at home, so Mary Jo and Mary Jo were terrified. When Anne heard this, she was calm and hurried to Dianas house. After meeting Minnie Mae, she began to move into her work. She took off Minnies coat, fed her some ipecac, gave her hot water, and nursed Minnie like a professional until Matthew called the doctor.

After reading this, I was deeply impressed and impressed by Annies calm and calm behavior that she did not panic no matter how much happened and calmly went to help others. Annie is amazing!

In life, I should learn from Anne, it is Annes confidence let me understand the truth. I remember once I learned to swim. After learning a few lessons, I found that I always learned more slowly than others. Gradually, I lost my patience, especially when I was very reluctant before class and complained all the time. Now looking back, if I had faced it with confidence like Anne, I would not have delayed so long to learn.

After reading Anne of Green Gables, I finally realized the joy of it. I love this book!

绿山墙的安妮高一英文读后感 篇11

When I began to see Ruan Tongxin reading this "Anne of Green Gables", I did not care too much, until it was quiet, I picked up the book to savor it, unconsciously attracted by this book. Anne of Green Gables Farm, a cheerful, kind, dreamy and somewhat wayward little girl, drew me back to the simple days of my distant childhood.

In our childhood, there is no TV, computer, video games, no high-rise buildings, no such rich material life, can have is the beautiful and generous nature, intimate small partners and kind and hospitable neighbors. Clear rivers, green fields are our playground, we collect leaves for specimens, catch a variety of small insects. Anne in the book has the honor to meet the kind and responsible Maria and Matthew, and can grow up freely and happily in such an environment. I remember when I was young, I had an interesting idea that no matter how naughty my child was, I could understand him or her, or at least not hit him or her. But unfortunately, I did not become the understanding mother that I dreamed of when I was young.

Childhood is beautiful and precious, in fact, children may have all kinds of strange behavior and ideas when they were young, perhaps even more strange. After reading this book, I have a lot of emotions. Kids are trying to do well a lot of the time, and sometimes its inevitable that they cant control themselves. As parents, more empathy, more patience and pay, with guidance instead of simple compulsion, with reminders and trust instead of nagging, to give children a happy, full of fantasy golden childhood.
